There are times when you may need a car for a short period of time. You may need the car for short distance travelling. It is advisable to opt for short term car insurance in such circumstances. Opting for this kind of insurance is a good choice as it helps you get the required coverage in case of any untoward incidents while travelling. In case, you meet with an injury while travelling, you can get covered against the same. There are many short term car insurance experts who can help get suitable cover.
Not many people opt for this kind of coverage. Some feel, it involves huge expenses and takes a long time. This is not true. There are many advantages of opting for this kind of insurance. It keeps you protected against any kind of injury suffered while travelling. Approaching short term car insurance specialists can help get as much cover as you desire. Short term cover offers many benefits. You need not worry and run around in the last minute in case you meet with an accident while travelling.
You can also get car insurance for a period ranging from just 1 day up to 6 months too. The process of seeking car insurance is not only simple, but also offers exceptionally good value for money.
Temporary car insurance quote allows you to choose from a wide variety of car insurance policies. If you need to insure a car for short term duration, you can seek professional help. The policy holds true in case you borrow a friend’s car for a few days or to share the driving on a long trip. Short term insurance companies can help you get insurance cover at a favourable deal.
There are numerous benefits of temporary car insurance:
• It offers insurance for temporary additional drivers or vehicles
• It can provide cover for hiring a car or lending yours to a friend, relative or colleague.
• You can get competitive daily rates and damage excesses.
The policy holds true even in cases when you borrow your friend’s car. This kind of insurance is fast catching up with people due to the multitude of benefits it offers. The insurance period can be anything from 1 day upwards. Moreover, it can also be renewed at any time. This policy is also suitable for those who are working away from home for long period and are not using their car. Going in for full year insurance may not be a good idea.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Short Term Car Insurance Suitable For Short Distance Travelling!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Car Insurance Quotes Hit a New High - Time to Compare and Save
When most people think of Car Insurance Quote, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to Car Insurance Quote than just the basics.
UK car insurance rose sharply over the last three months of 2008 according to new statistics from The AA, the insurance broker. The average increase seen across various motoring profiles and risks saw an increase of 1% per month.
An annual quote for comprehensive insurance (averaged across 1,000 different risks), rose by 2.9% during the back end of last year. The average quote exceeded £740. The same source shows that third party, fire and theft quotes rose by 3.4% to £931.31 during the same period. The rises have been put down to an increase in personal injury claims and the associated legal costs (22% increase) as well as the cost of insurance fraud (17%) increase.
Hopefully the information presented so far has been applicable. You might also want to consider the following:
With the cost of repairing a vehicle also rising (some say around 6%), there's never been a more important time to make sure you're not paying over the odds for your policy. Thankfully, customers have a number of ways to find their cheapest quotes. The most common being the use of online comparison websites. Their rise in popularity has mirrored the insurance industry's rise in premiums over the last few years.
The idea of the comparison website is to gather your quotes from the UK's top insurers in less time and with less hassle than you would other face by requesting a quote from each individually. And with car insurance quotes forecast to rise between 10% and 12% over the coming year, the next time your renewal notice drops onto your doormat, make sure you take a good look around. Laziness could cost you a significant chunk of money at a time when you could really do with protecting every hard earned pound in your pocket.
Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in Car Insurance Quote. When people start looking for more information about Car Insurance Quote, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.
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