As your young children begins to reach the teenage years, most parent begin to consider getting car insurance for them. This may become an additional expenses if you did not make enough provision for. It is always best if you get an early start by at least having a conversation with your insurance agent. This should take place just about the time that your teen gets his/her driving permit.
You will want to make sure that while you are teaching your teen how to drive that you are covered from any mishaps. Once your teen receives their driver's license then contact your insurance agent again and let them know. Yes...the cost is going to go up considerably for your car insurance premiums. It doesn't make a difference if you add them to your existing policy or start their own; the cost will still be higher than usual.
Insuring anyone, especially males, under the age of 25 is very expensive. This is because this is the age group that has the most car accidents where they are at fault. Most insurance companies do offer some incentives for this age group which may help you save a bit of money. Every little bit helps and here's how you can do it.
Student's that do well in school, meaning above average, often qualify for a good student discount. Make sure you mention this to your agent! Another way is to enroll your teen in any additional driving courses that are available. Also, the more hours of supervised driving that they have the better their rates will be. All of these things show the insurance company more responsibility which lessens the risk surrounding your teen.
You will likely get more bang for your buck if you add your teen to your existing policy. You may also be able to take advantage of any multi-car discounts if your teen gets their own car. If the cost of insuring your teen becomes unaffordable then you might want to consider raising your deductible.
If your plans do include buying a car for your teen you might want to have a chat with your insurance agent before making any purchases as the kind of car that you buy will have a lot to do with the amount that will be paid in insurance premiums. These are some ideas for you to keep your insurance costs as low as possible when you have a teen driver in the house.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Best Time To Get Car Insurance For Your Teens
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