In todays economic scenario that is getting bleaker by each passing day, it is important to learn some cost-cutting tips. Here are a few tips to save some money in an unlikeliest area auto insurance sector. If you have thought that the auto insurance premiums are somewhat fixed entities, well, here is news for you. One can get several kinds of reduction in premium amounts and there are several ways to make effective use of insurance premium.
If you are planning to buy a new car, you may think about a small car that gives good mileage. The insurance premium of small cars is usually less than luxury sedans and sports utility vehicles. The small cars may be less glamorous. However, they help in keeping the money on your bank account (assuming you still have one going!) in more ways than one.
You can save on the insurance premium by reducing your vehicle usage. Insurance companies check the number of miles the vehicle has covered. The lower the miles, the less will be the premium.The reason behind this is that the insurance premium is directly proportional to the risk attached to a particular vehicle. Insurance companies perceive that less frequently used vehicle are less likely to meet with an accident.
You can have a reduction on insurance premium by availing the several types of insurance policies from the same organization. That is, you can get your house insurance, personal insurance, health insurance, and auto insurance from the same organization. You are likely to get a decent loyalty benefit.
Another option is to make your credit history perfect. There should not be any pending dues or defaulted installments. All companies love to work with reliable and prime customers, especially after the sub-prime crisis that triggered the collapse of the real estate industry.
If you have children who are studying, encourage them to study well and score good grades. Insurance companies offer reduction in premium for students who score good grades consistently. However, you must submit proof of high grades from the authorities.
Also, when you take a new insurance policy, make sure that there is no gap between the old and new one. Having gaps in the insurance coverage or breaking the continuity of insurance protection is not a sign of a responsible customer.
Lastly, you need to make a detailed study of the car insurance sector before selecting a particular company. One can compare the car insurance quotes of various companies on the internet. This is a cost-effective and highly useful option for getting a good idea about the auto insurance market.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lowering You Car Insurance Premiums In a Bad Economy - Its Not As Hard As You Might Think!
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